Tuesday 26 August 2014

Cloudbusting, Well-being and Kate Bush

So the inspiration for today's blog is the awesome Kate Bush and well-being. Well-being is according to a rather general definition from Oxford English Dictionary,  a 'state of being comfortable, healthy or happy'. Rather than scour various academic texts or the rather wonderful NEF website (which has heaps of stuff on well-being), I have decided to shoot from the hip and take you on a short, pleasant well-being journey.

As a woman, well-being has a particular significance for me, I am old enough to recall the 'well woman's clinics' back in the 70/80's. I never went to one, but as this was during a time when some of my girlfriends were developing their sexual experiences and I had qualified as a nurse, I certainly knew of them.  I remembered them again a couple of years ago when I became interested in healing therapies and got to know other therapists (most of whom were women); the opportunity to discuss health and well-being emerged and I was reminded of the service provided by the well women's clinics all those years ago. I suppose it was also at the back of my mind when I decided to write this blog so women could share knowledge and wisdom about all things female.

When I am not writing this blog I do lots of 'other writing', the 'other writing' is part of my professional life and includes writing up research. Some of my research work in recent years has included wellbeing at work.....and I am rather proud of some work undertaken with colleagues and published recently which has produced a new coaching model that facilitates well-being.

When I reflect on my own being well I know that there have been times, and will be again, where my well-being has not been so good. During these episodes I know now that instead of navigating my way through, I alternated between thriving and failing as if bouncing off some unseen walls. When I surfaced from each experience it was if I had burst through the clouds just as Kate Bush sings about in her gorgeous song Cloudbusting. It is only now that I have learned how to steer that am I able to help others.

Today part of being well included setting myself achievable yet stretching goals, one of which was to resume writing this blog, others were to write a coaching report, contact participants in a research study, pin a work colleague down to a meeting, and to go for a walk in some nearby woods.

This last was my 'reward' for completing the set goals, and forms part of a daily habit of work discipline that ensured I completed my PhD. I have all but achieved everything I set out to do this morning and am really chuffed about adding a significant other. This significant other relates to the goals themselves, as I began the work I became aware that while crossing things off my 'to do' list was rewarding, the process itself could be equally enjoyable if I stopped thinking about how far down the list I had travelled.
I determined to enjoy every last bit of what I set myself and when I did so an element of tension lifted. As I am very much responsible for my own well-being at work I suspect that my well-being improved from there on in.
This my dear women is what I am passing on to you today, in the hurly burly of your working day, identify an aspect over which you have control, re-take that control and you decide how it is going to be. When you do that one small thing your own well-being will improve. Just to help you on your journey have a watch and listen to Kate Bush....it is truly a song to lift you...


wishing you well
