Thursday 12 March 2015

What matters today..........

What matters to me today is that I remember myself. That thought may have a familiar ring to it for you, especially if you consider how many times you have fallen into your bed exhausted and not done one concious thing for yourself all day? all week? I do mean concious. Let me explain. Often the 'stuff' we do has no tangible benefit for us, it may make us 'feel good' altruistically, but this 'feel good' factor is often implicit; over time our role as helper becomes so integral to how we and others see us, that our 'response to help' button is always on, because we forget to switch it off.
There are times when we get called on to give of ourselves, and that is fine and good, but how often do we remember we should also give back to ourselves?
Giving back to your 'self' doesn't mean taking away from others, it simply means remembering that somewhere inside your physical body is you.

So...what is our 'self', how do we honour it, acknowledge it, nourish it?

If I were to ask you to describe your 'self' what would she look/sound/feel/smell/taste/think like?
What does she do, how does she do it? If you met her what would you like about her? If you wanted to give her a present what would it be?

Do you know what I give me? Time. I give myself time. Time is precious to all of us, so with this very precious commodity I take it for me and fill it with a 'few of my favourite things'...
And when I do this I begin to smile again from the inside...

smile the same way this Spandau Ballet track from the 80's makes me grin.  As soon as I hear it I think of my sister and me singing our heads off to this in my boyfriend's recording studio, thinking we were great, then listening back to the recording and laughing even louder at how awful we sounded.
The lyrics are randomly wonderful, the video to go with the tune is in hindsight, also randomly wonderful. Check out the suits, curious backdrops, gold bath and the way the girl's arm flops down at the end of the tune...quite daft.

Have a look and a listen....

I love it though, I love the sentiment, " YOU ARE GOLD, GOLD!" It is just what I need to hear when I am up to my tonsils, armpits, and/or hair follicles with the challenges life throws at me.
As I am academically minded I would also like to reference the work of  Poppins, et al, (1964) and, in the interests of some self study why not do some of this for yourself...regularly....

That's all for now, if at any time you feel that writing a few Women's Words might be something to nurture your 'self' with then I would be very glad to share them.  Just drop me an email or tweet me @grays100