Monday 20 January 2014

Good Women

Good Women

My name is Agnes Mbutu I live near to the Drakensburg mountains in South Africa. I am 58 years old, I have given birth to seven children, six of them are living. I work as a cleaner. I work six days of every week. I start work very early in the morning, and I finish late in the evening of every day. On Sunday I go to my church. I do not have holidays, when I am not in work I work for my family at home.
I am I think a very proud woman. I am proud of who I am and I am proud of my country.
Of my six children that are living two of them are twin girls, my eldest son is very ill. He is in a hospital far away. My heart it is very sad that I have not seen him for three weeks now. I do not have money to pay to travel to see him and I cannot be away from work or my whole family will suffer. When I think of him I am very sad.
The places where I clean have many people coming and going, I do my work quickly and I work hard. They do not see me although I am there. If they come in to the places where I am cleaning they act as if I am not there. I clean toilets and bathrooms, shower rooms and laundry rooms. I go from job to job and I clean. Sometimes when I clean people walk all over the floor I have just washed, but I do not say a word, I clean it again and I leave.
One day I was cleaning the shower room and a woman came in as I was about to leave. She stood at the door waiting so I hurried up. As I passed her she looked at me and said 'thank you'. I was very surprised and I looked back at her. She was a white woman, she did not hide her eyes or her stare from me, she looked into my face. I felt that this was a good woman.
The next day this woman came to the shower block to find me. She had a parcel of clothes. She asked me if I would be kind and help her, she did not need these clothes and wanted someone to have them, if I knew anyone who needed them would I please give them away. I could see that the woman was being very kind indeed, she was finding a way to give me the clothes without offending me. I said I would be very glad to help her and then she surprised me again by asking me to wait as she had forgotten something. She ran back to me with more clothes, some of these belonged to her husband and some of them were hers. She had given me things that she still had need of. She told me her name and I told her mine and I told her my story. She said that she would share my story.
The next day it was my turn to look for her. I knew that she would be travelling onwards and I wanted to give her something. I wanted to give her something to remember me and for her to know that I too had something to give. I found her packing away her tent with her husband. I felt very shy but the gift I gave her was a bottle of different coloured sand. These are gifts my daughters make for tourists, they are very pretty and we use the sand near to our home, when we give them we are giving some of our home. They are very important gifts because they are Africa.
The woman took my little sand bottle and she cried and put her arms around me. I was very happy and very shy about this too. She told me I had a beautiful face. She saw me. She was a good woman.


Monday 13 January 2014

Leading Women

Good morning to you all on this gorgeous sunny day! Don't know how it is where you are but today right here the storms have taken themselves off somewhere else. Yesterday was wild and wet, and in the wild wetness I went for a walk with my husband through the quarries. When the wind belted into us we laughed like kids and marvelled at how fabulous it all felt. Sometimes we experience similar stuff in life, the body blows do not make us grin like maniacs, they may make us ultimately stronger but at the time they can reduce us to pulp. Today I am very proud to be able to publish a story from a wonderful woman who has experienced the body blows of life, but instead of them finishing her off she is using them to help other women realise their dreams. This is the story of Laura Locke, University Lecturer from the South of England.

Leading Women by Laura Locke
Back in the 80s, I made a frustrating attempt to balance a career in travel and tourism with childcare, and suffered from discriminatory practice, as I was made redundant from my part-time job with a days notice; I subsequently discovered that my job share partner had been given a full time position.
Following divorce I struggled to study towards a drama degree while supporting two young children working, child rearing, studying, with an intention to work in the theatre eventually in some form.  However, I soon found that I could not commit to the regime of late rehearsals, and had to change path, in order to meet the needs of parent-hood.  Although the father and I had joint custody, the responsibilities for after school child-care were mine and I had to accept defeat and transferred to study a literature and media degree, with a research focus on gender and identity in literature and film and I graduated at 40.
Following graduation I worked in the business media, but was drawn back to education as a researcher in online and distance- learning. I undertook a post-graduate teaching qualification and started teaching on HE programmes, specialising in adult learning initially and then in Event and Tourism management. I have recently revisited my passion for the arts, in a MA in Arts Management, and I am now struggling and juggling again, trying to complete my dissertation, whilst in full-time work, with added responsibilities.  My two boys are now grown and one has left home, but as a mother I find it hard to detach from the needs of my offspring, and as is common for older women, there is an aged parent to consider.
But at nearly 60 I am still driving forward and I am currently undertaking research on the topic of Women in Leadership in the Arts.  And it has all come back to me in a flood; my survey of working women in the arts, and the issues they are encountering in the quest to succeed has presented anecdotes of struggles that are so familiar and  I am  full of admiration for the sense of determination, and drive of the women that are talking to me. 
I am now an educationalist in Higher Education, as a course leader on a degree programme which currently supports a high ratio of female students, and I have an opportunity to help and support the raising of aspirations, to assist in the empowerment of young people into management, and to  promote partnership and gender balance in the work-place.  A team of final year degree students are currently project managing a conference to celebrate International Womens Day on 7th March 2014 and the business community and sixth form students will be invited to hear a range of inspirational speakers on the topic of Inspiring Change.  
It is time for women to climb over the obstacles and say yes I can rather than be trammelled and tripped up by ifs and maybes.  To be focused on our goals does not mean that we have to become self-serving or  iron ladies. Emotional Intelligence and empathy are great attributes for effective leaders, and we must learn to drive through barriers and keep our resolve, and draw strength from each other. 

 And for all of you women out there take heart from Laura's story and like Laura and myself on the gorgeous sunny day watch the diva that is Beyonce on the link below.....come on women you can do it....don't ever ever give up.

Friday 3 January 2014

Synchronicity and the power of sharing

Hello and welcome to RealWomensWords and to 2014!

I am truly grateful to 2013, to all I learned and to all that I shared. To start us off this year we have the inspirational wisdom of Anj Handa who reminds us that we need to ensure that we are following our hearts desire. Anj is an amazing woman, you can find out more about Anj at

You can comment on Anj's story below and keep the conversation going, you can also send me your story to publish and you can tell your women friends too.

Synchronicity and the power of sharing

I came across Dr Dee Gray in mid December 2013, through an exchange on Twitter. I believe in synchronicity, not chance, so when Dee asked me to tell my story or, as she says ‘share my toys’ on her Real Women’s Words blog, I was more than happy to oblige. It seems appropriate to share my story of transformation today, 2nd January 2014, having set my intentions under the New Year New Moon.
My shift started around my birthday at the end of August 2012, when an Associate position with a client that went against my values ended and I lost a friend through suicide. My bereavement was a huge shock and although I had sent out a tender, at the time I had no immediate source of alternative income. To say I was at a low ebb would be a massive understatement.
On 2nd September 2012, to keep my mind occupied, I started to dig in my garden, despite the blazing sun. As I dug, a robin flew down and perched a metre away from me and watched me for five minutes before flying off. I felt a sense of calm, as if it had brought a message of reassurance from my friend that everything would be OK.
Sure enough, on 5th September, I heard that my tender was successful and that was the start of a new client relationship that continues to this day. Over the next ten months, I continued to work hard, yet as I approached my next birthday I began to reflect and admitted to myself that I wasn’t fulfilling my heart’s desire.
The only problem was, at the time, I didn’t know what that was or how to go about identifying it! I began to read voraciously. Three books have particularly informed my decision to move towards building a more heart-centred business. These are ‘Daring Greatly’ by BrenĂ© Brown; ‘The Celestine Prophecy’ by James Redfield and ‘Know Me, Like Me, Follow Me: What Online Social Networking Means for You’ by Penny Power.
Cue also a synchronistic series of events, some of which are still unfolding and will be covered in a later blog. All I will say is that some inspirational, respected and supportive women have re-entered my life and have supported me both personally and professionally as I started my journey to identify my calling.
I am clear now that my passion lies in empowering girls and women through building resilience, improving their life chances through better education and healthcare and tackling gender-based violence. I have been working on a series of workshops and articles to facilitate this and have also begun dialogue with a number of NGOs and other support organisations.
I’m hugely excited about 2014 and look forward to ‘sharing my toys’ with this supportive global community. In the words of Dr B.J. Palmer “You never know how far-reaching something you think, say or do today, will affect the lives of millions tomorrow.”