Friday 3 January 2014

Synchronicity and the power of sharing

Hello and welcome to RealWomensWords and to 2014!

I am truly grateful to 2013, to all I learned and to all that I shared. To start us off this year we have the inspirational wisdom of Anj Handa who reminds us that we need to ensure that we are following our hearts desire. Anj is an amazing woman, you can find out more about Anj at

You can comment on Anj's story below and keep the conversation going, you can also send me your story to publish and you can tell your women friends too.

Synchronicity and the power of sharing

I came across Dr Dee Gray in mid December 2013, through an exchange on Twitter. I believe in synchronicity, not chance, so when Dee asked me to tell my story or, as she says ‘share my toys’ on her Real Women’s Words blog, I was more than happy to oblige. It seems appropriate to share my story of transformation today, 2nd January 2014, having set my intentions under the New Year New Moon.
My shift started around my birthday at the end of August 2012, when an Associate position with a client that went against my values ended and I lost a friend through suicide. My bereavement was a huge shock and although I had sent out a tender, at the time I had no immediate source of alternative income. To say I was at a low ebb would be a massive understatement.
On 2nd September 2012, to keep my mind occupied, I started to dig in my garden, despite the blazing sun. As I dug, a robin flew down and perched a metre away from me and watched me for five minutes before flying off. I felt a sense of calm, as if it had brought a message of reassurance from my friend that everything would be OK.
Sure enough, on 5th September, I heard that my tender was successful and that was the start of a new client relationship that continues to this day. Over the next ten months, I continued to work hard, yet as I approached my next birthday I began to reflect and admitted to myself that I wasn’t fulfilling my heart’s desire.
The only problem was, at the time, I didn’t know what that was or how to go about identifying it! I began to read voraciously. Three books have particularly informed my decision to move towards building a more heart-centred business. These are ‘Daring Greatly’ by BrenĂ© Brown; ‘The Celestine Prophecy’ by James Redfield and ‘Know Me, Like Me, Follow Me: What Online Social Networking Means for You’ by Penny Power.
Cue also a synchronistic series of events, some of which are still unfolding and will be covered in a later blog. All I will say is that some inspirational, respected and supportive women have re-entered my life and have supported me both personally and professionally as I started my journey to identify my calling.
I am clear now that my passion lies in empowering girls and women through building resilience, improving their life chances through better education and healthcare and tackling gender-based violence. I have been working on a series of workshops and articles to facilitate this and have also begun dialogue with a number of NGOs and other support organisations.
I’m hugely excited about 2014 and look forward to ‘sharing my toys’ with this supportive global community. In the words of Dr B.J. Palmer “You never know how far-reaching something you think, say or do today, will affect the lives of millions tomorrow.”

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