Monday 18 November 2013

The 'sod it' space and the 'I am crap' space

Good morning ladies,
well it is Monday morning and like many of you I find Monday morning's the hardest part of the week to conquer.  All of last week I juggled plates on wonky sticks, I did this the previous week and the one before.....and the one before that too. By the end of each week I see how far I have got, and because I rarely ever ever give up on anything, I look at the things that have gone none too well and I think of ways in which I might try again or differently.  I am very good at putting a positive spin on this so when talking with colleagues I will refer to the process as 'refinement' and taking a 'new direction'.  To be honest it is often the failures that have lead me to develop something better and indeed many refusals and knock backs have caused me to rethink something and come up with something innovative.
There are however moments when I am totally fed up with 'going back to the drawing board' and I feel myself enter the space of 'sod it'. 'Sod it' is a place that I am sure you are familiar with, it is the place that often leads to drinking a whole bottle of wine instead of a couple of glasses, it means instead of keeping your calm exterior when someone tells you that your work is not relevant you tell them to sod off, it means that instead of encouraging some lazy arsed bastard to finish or even begin the work they promised you you tell them to shove it adfinitum rectum. 
The sod it space is not a space in which you have what life coaches call  'self limiting beliefs' oh no no no no. The space where you have 'self limiting beliefs' is called the 'I am crap' space and should not be confused with the 'sod it' space. The reason we sometimes get confused is because the two are connected through a revolving door. The difference is that in the 'I am crap' space you doubt yourself in the 'sod it' place you doubt others.
You have to be careful about which side of the revolving door you end up on and too much time spent in either space is not good. Short bouts in the 'I am crap'  space can toughen you up, make you value yourself and what your trying to achieve, similarly short bouts in the 'sod it' space can give you a welcome break from agreeing with the myopia and stupidity of others.
If you are in the 'sod it' space because others have not yet realised your worth then my advice to you this morning is do not give up on yourself, and if your situation allows it give up on the doubters instead.  I say this last bit because not all of us have the luxury of being able to give the two fingered salute without the repercussions that may follow. Leave the frustrating situation with dignity and move on. Re-direct your energies, someone somewhere will see your utter genius and snap you up but only if you stop wasting time on a situation that gives no returns.
If you are in the 'I am crap' space well you need to stop right now and I mean right now from feeling sorry for yourself. You are not crap. Have a look at what you are trying to do and do it better. Get support, ask for help. Don't give up.
If like me you have been in both spaces and know well enough just how long you need to idle there but just need something to smooth your way into Monday have a listen to this.

Thank you for joining me this morning, I have thoroughly enjoyed your company. Do call again and tell you friends to drop in.
If you want to share your stories with me and the rest of the ladies who read 'real woman's words' drop me a message. I would be happy to publish your story too.

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